(Video)2016 Steven Spielberg Commencement address

by Darpan Sachdeva

My  true appreciation  and respect for Steven Spielberg has again taken  new heights after listening to  his 2016 commencement address at Harvard University.

Please listen to Steven Spielberg Commencement address here:

Filmmaker Steven Spielberg Speech | Harvard Commencement 2016.

This speech creates so much value for human existence every time you hear it.

The Gems gathered here are:

1.Education is important and its never too late to learn in life.
2 Listen to your inner voice and intuition.
3.Do not turn away from what’s painful. Examine it and then challenge it.
4.Know your past.
5.Do not let your morals be swayed away by convenience and expediency.
6.Make good friends.
7.Love,Support,Courage,Intuition are very important.
8 Seek a future of Justice and Peace.
9.Stay humanly connected .

Great words on the humanity and hatred:

1.Find the WE in us.
2.Replace the more Hate with more Humanity.
3.Replace FEAR with CURIOSITY.
4.Feeling EMPATHY for everyone.

Most important to remember:

We are the members of the same one Tribe”

Darpan Sachdeva is the CEO and Founder of  Nobelthoughts.com. With a long time passion for Entrepreneurship, Self development & Success. Darpan started his website with the intention of educating and inspiring like minded people all over the world to always strive for success no matter what their circumstances. To keep going and never get disheartened and learn from every adversity.

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